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StatsGuru for SPSS 4+

Graham Fowler

iPad용으로 디자인됨

    • ₩3,300



StatsGuru for SPSS is aimed at students learning about statistics and contains information on a comprehensive list of typical statistical tests that college or university level students may be expected to know.

The main feature is the decision tree, this allows users to answer a series of questions about their data and discover the most appropriate test. Each test covered features a basic overview plus guides, using a practical example, on how to input data and run the analysis, what to look for in the output (interpretation) and an example write-up. There is also a searchable glossary, covering the most common statistical terms used in the social sciences.

StatsGuru for SPSS specifically covers versions 28, 27, 26, 25 and 24 of IBM’s SPSS software.

StatsGuru for R and SPSS are produced by Jonathan Catling (PhD) and Graham Fowler (MRes) at the University of Birmingham, UK.

SPSS For Android

콘텐츠 등급
만 17세 이상

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앱 정보

SPSS는 통계 분석에 사용되는 컴퓨터 프로그램입니다. 2009년 7월 28일부터 SPSS는 PASW로 불립니다. 이 회사는 IBM이 미화 12억 달러에 인수했기 때문입니다.

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